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The iGene DNA test: stay healthy for longer thanks to knowledge of your genes

Stay healthy for longer thanks to knowledge of your genes

An iGene DNA test gives you insight into your own genes. Armed with this knowledge you can make conscious choices that will help you live a healthier life. How does this DNA-test work?

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  • Basic


    Information that falls into the ‘fun to know’ category. Find out whether you are sensitive to caffeine, for example, or about your predisposition to tasting bitter flavours.

    More about Basic
  • Pharma


    Discover whether you are sensitive to dozens of different drugs. You will also receive a handy pharmacological profile that you can share easily with your doctor or pharmacist.

    More about Pharma
  • most popular



    Insight into your genetic predisposition to various conditions. You will also receive relevant information on prevention and advice on lifestyle priorities.

    More about Health

personal Personal Insights and advice based on your own DNA.

scientific Secure and anonymous Your privacy is completely guaranteed.

secure Reliable Based on scientifically validated information.

secure Up to date The app is kept up to date as new insights become available.

Want to know if an iGene DNA test is right for you? Answer 7 questions to find out.

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Take greater control of your health with the iGene DNA test

It has been scientifically proven that your lifestyle can have a significant influence on your health. By incorporating the right patterns into your daily routines, you can live as much as 15 years longer.

An iGene DNA test gives you insight into your own genes: what are your strengths and where do your weaknesses lie? This gives you greater control over your own health.

See what an iGene DNA test looks like > 

We do not link your DNA and personal data.
This is the best way to guarantee your anonymity and privacy!

Anonymity; the focal point of iGene

You are bombarded with so much advice about your health. What should you take seriously? With iGene everything is filtered scientifically and I only receive tips that are relevant for me.

review DNA-test iGene customer experience

I have learned how important it is to act quickly in the case of illnesses such as bowel cancer. So yes, I think it’s a good thing to know that I need to be particularly alert in this regard.

review DNA-test iGene customer experience

Want to take greater control of your health? Order your iGene DNA test now.

Order before 31 March and benefit from our temporary promotional prices

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